Tomus 23, num. 2 – BUCKOVÁ, M. a kol.: Reflexia mytologických motívov v duchovnej a materiálnej kultúre národov Ázie, Afriky a Oceánie. Bratislava : Ústav orientalistiky SAV, 2019. (S. Gubančok)

BUCKOVÁ, M. a kol.: Reflexia mytologických motívov v duchovnej a materiálnej kultúre národov Ázie, Afriky a Oceánie. Bratislava : Ústav orientalistiky SAV, 2019. (S. Gubančok)


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – GOLIAN, J.: Život ľudu detvianskýho : Historicko-demografická a kultúrna sonda do každodenného života na Podpoľaní v dlhom 19. storočí. Ružomberok : Society for Human Studies, 2019. (O. Tomeček)

GOLIAN, J.: Život ľudu detvianskýho : Historicko-demografická a kultúrna sonda do každodenného života na Podpoľaní v dlhom 19. storočí. Ružomberok : Society for Human Studies, 2019. (O. Tomeček)


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – HOCHEL, M. – PAVLÍKOVÁ, M.: Zrcadlo moci : Pilíře moci Napoleona Bonaparta ve vizuálním umění. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, 2018. (P. Kunec)

HOCHEL, M. – PAVLÍKOVÁ, M.: Zrcadlo moci : Pilíře moci Napoleona Bonaparta ve vizuálním umění. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, 2018. (P. Kunec)


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – MICHALCOVÁ BOROŠOVÁ, M. – SLÚKA, M.: Tri tváre bez mena. Analýza portrétov zo zbierok Stredoslovenského múzea v Banskej Bystrici

Tri tváre bez mena.
Analýza portrétov zo zbierok Stredoslovenského múzea v Banskej Bystrici


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – PAVLOV, J.: Vývoj slovenského bryndziarstva a syrárstva do roku 1948 s dôrazom na okres Zvolen

Vývoj slovenského bryndziarstva a syrárstva do roku 1948
s dôrazom na okres Zvolen

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela
v Banskej Bystrici

Evolution of the Slovak sheep cheese and cheese industries, until 1948 with an emphasis placed on the Zvolen district

Abstract: The report addresses the evolution of the traditional Slovak sheep cheese and general cheese idustries. It describes the fight of the manufacturers within the battle for (high) quality of sheepe cheese, their professional association in order to coordinate production, distribution and sale of all cheese products. The report highlights the participation of the Zvolen district in this area of the Slovak economy.

Keywords: sheep cheese, cheese, Zvolen district, production, distribution, sale.


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – RIGOVÁ, V.: Mládež mravne vadná na stránkach časopisu Úchylná mládež (1925 – 1934)

Mládež mravne vadná na stránkach časopisu Úchylná mládež (1925 – 1934)

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Konštantína
Filozofa v Nitre

Morally Defective Youth on the Pages of the Periodical Úchylná mládež (1925–1934)

Abstract: The paper deals with morally defective youth as part of the social history of interwar Czechoslovakia. The research is based on the text of the professional periodical Úchylná mládež from 1925 to 1934. This is a topic not yet elaborated in detail in Slovak historiography, which was the main motive for the research. The aim of the study is to characterize morally defective youth in more detail, to describe their manifestations, to find out the causes of its origin and to describe how and where they were re-educated. The work also reveals specific cases approaching the family and social environment of morally defective youth.

Keywords: youth, morally defective youth, troubled youth, perverted youth, Czechoslovakia.


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Tomus 23, num. 2


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – САДЫКОВ Т. С. – НАБИЕВ С. Т.: Восстания в Казахстане против царской власти в 1916 году и советской политики в 1921-22 гг.: сходства и различия (на основе материалов Акмолинского и Атбасарского уездов)

Восстания в Казахстане против царской власти в 1916 году и советской политики в 1921-22 гг.: сходства и различия
(на основе материалов Акмолинского и Атбасарского уездов)

Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева,
г. Нур-Султан, Республика Казахстан

Kazakhstanian uprisings against tsarist government in 1916 and Soviet policy in 1921–1922: analogy and specifics (based on material of Ak-mola and Atbasar uyezd)

Abstract: The article describes the causes and conditions leading to the erup-tion of the uprisings in 1916 and during 1921–1922 in Kazakhstan. The study analyses moods of the masses represented as the driving force of the national liberation uprisings of this period. Specific historical facts based on archival research and reconnaissance of historical sources are presented here as well. In the end of the study, the authors analyze internal context of the uprisings against tsarist dominance (1916) and the establishment of Soviet power (1921–1922) in the country, revealing analogous features and specifics of re-searched events.

Keywords: tsarist policy in Kazakhstan, period of war communism in Kazakhstan, uprisings in Kazakhstan in 1916 and 1921–1922, national liberation movements in Central Asia.


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – HAAS KIANIČKA, D.: Fenomén fikcie v dejinách Kremnice

Fenomén fikcie v dejinách Kremnice

NBS – Múzeum mincí a medailí Kremnica

Phenomenon of fiction in the history of town Kremnica

Abstract: Subject of fiction has become a permanent part of humanities research in the recent decades. Philosopher Alexius Meinong wrote that our cognition of objects does not depend on their real existence. Our mind reacts to thoughts, desires and feelings as well. A man is surrounded not only by real, but also by imaginary entities. The issue of the fiction theory had also been a research subject of some other phi-losophers, sociologists and literary scientists. There are many types of fiction. One of them is a literary fiction, which in the case of Kremnica can be studied through works written by Ján Kollár or Jozef Cíger Hronský. Fiction in the form of a game or prank had also been an important phenomenon in the history. There had been many associations in the world based on the principle of fiction. In Kremnica, this type of association is represented by the Casino association and its Book of Swamps (Sump-fbuch) with fictitious names of members of the association and a number of fictional stories. Mythology related to the world of fictitious mining ghosts had also played a role in the environment of the town Kremnica. It is interesting that history itself can be presented with the help of fiction, as Barbara Balážová showed in her book Pic-torissa Cremniciensis. In the first part, she had created a fictitious diary of Kremnica painter Johanka Emerencia Rothenstein (beginning of the 18th century). Fiction had also been used as a part of national revival efforts. In Kremnica, this phenomenon is represented by the existence of a fictitious „ancient“ inscription on the hill Velestúr. It is important to know that through fiction it is possible to develop the imagination, analogous and logical thinking and creativity of man.

Keywords: fiction, theory of fiction, literary fictive worlds, fiction as a game and prank, activities of burgess societies, miner`s mythology, educative fiction, fiction and a national narrative, creative function of fiction.


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – BOROŃ, P.: W poszukiwaniu idealnych Słowian – o wojowniczości i pacyfizmie jako cechach charakteru narodowego w dociekaniach polskiej historiografii w XIX wieku

W poszukiwaniu idealnych Słowian – o wojowniczości i pacyfizmie jako cechach charakteru narodowego w dociekaniach polskiej historiografii w XIX wieku

Instytut Historii, Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice, Polska

In search of perfect Slavs – about belligerence and pacifism as national traits in the investigations of Polish historiography in the 19th century

Abstract: The article presents the formation of two different stereotypes of the ancient Slavs – as a warlike people and pacifist. Based on the Polish historiog-raphy of the nineteenth century, it was shown how the appropriate stereotype was used in the historiographic or literary representation of the ancient Slavs. The starting point for the consideration of many historians were numerous historical sources from the 6th–7th century, showing the Slavs as a belligerent, as well as one information about the peaceful attitude of this people. And it was the message of Theophylact Simocatta that won the recognition of many re-searchers living in the 18th and 19th centuries, who inscribed it in the romantic vision of Slavs based on J. G. Herder’s historiosophy. The article refers to oppo-site theories of Alexander Sapieha or Jan Paweł Woronicz. An attempt was also made to reconcile two opposing visions of the ancient Slavs in the theory of conquest, commonly accepted in the 19th century.

Keywords: Historiography, Slavs, national stereotypes, theory of conquest.


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