Tomus 23, num. 2 – RAMAČ, J. – MARČOKOVÁ, D.: Kánonická vizitácia kysáčskej evanjelickej cirkvi z roku 1835

Kánonická vizitácia kysáčskej evanjelickej cirkvi z roku 1835

Oddelenie slovakistiky a Oddelenie rusinistiky Filozofickej fakulty
Univerzity v Novom Sade, Srbsko

The canonical visitation of the Evangelical Church in Kysač from 1835

Abstract: In the historiography of Slovaks in Southern Hungary/Yugoslavia/ Serbia, an important place is given to monographs of individual settlements occupied by Slovaks in most or a significant number. The monograph on Kysač describes in detail the process of settling Slovaks, but much more modestly the wider context of their social and political life until the mid-19th century. About this period, a fair amount of data offers Hronika of local Evangelical a. c. Church by the author František Jesenský, but also this resource is underutilized. Also, practically as historical sources about the history of Kysač at the end of the 18th and in the first half of the 19th century, the records of canonical visitations from 1798, 1810, 1818, 1825 and 1835 remained unknown and unused. The aim of this paper is to, by publishing a record of the canonical visitation from 1835 in both the original Latin and Slovak translation, make available to researchers a resource, which provides a wealth of data from the economic and social life of this national and ecclesial community.

Keywords: Slovaks in Southern Hungary, Kysač, Evangelic a. c. Church in Kysač, canonical visitation, school.


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – MALINIAK, P.: Kolektívne práva a povinnosti poddaných Zvolenského panstva (listiny Ľudovíta I. a Žigmunda a ich konfirmácie)

Kolektívne práva a povinnosti poddaných Zvolenského panstva (listiny Ľudovíta I. a Žigmunda a ich konfirmácie)

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela
v Banskej Bystrici

Group rights and obligations of subjects of the Zvolen estate (charters issued by Louis I. and Sigismund and their confirmations)

Abstract: In the seat of the Austrian State Archives in Vienna, a simple transcrip-tion of medieval charters had been preserved in the material from 1543 in a fund traditionally called Hungarica. The series of charters brings new knowledge about the legal, economic and social status of the subjects of the royal estate in Zvolen. To our knowledge, the charters had not yet been known. The Hungarian king Louis I. of Anjou issued the oldest one in 1360. He had exempted gamekeepers from the villages of Badín, Hájniky and Rybáre (part of the village of Sliač nowa-days) from paying the lucrum camerae tax. In 1410, king Sigismund of Luxem-bourg issued another charter at the request of subjects from the villages of Badín, Veľká Lúka, Rybáre, Hájniky, Kováčová, Tŕnie and Trebuľa (seclusion near the village of Kováčová). The king had confirmed their freedoms they had been fol-lowing during the reign of his predecessor Louis I. Moreover, the document had also specified how much the subjects should pay in kind. A true analogy is anoth-er charter of king Sigismund, issued in 1410 for the subjects of the adjacent castle Vígľaš. At the request of the specifically named subjects of the Zvolen castle, both charters from the years 1360 and 1410 were confirmed in 1457 by king Ladislaus the Posthumous and subsequently in 1465 by king Matthias Corvinus. Another charters from the years 1457 and 1465 created a parallel to them, addressed by kings to the subjects as freemen from the villages of Hájniky and Rybáre. The last document is a transcription (transumpt) of the charter of Matthias Corvinus. The transcription was issued in 1543 at the request of subjects from the monastery in Hronský Beňadik. All charters stated above are published unabridged and pro-vide suggestions for further research.

Keywords: rights and obligations of subjects, royal gamekeepers, castle estate of Zvolen, transcriptions of medieval charters.


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – MIČKO, P.: Expanzia Spolku pre chemickú a hutnú výrobu do slovenskej podnikovej sféry (zmena majetkových pomerov slovenských podnikov Spolku pre chemickú a hutnú výrobu)

Expanzia Spolku pre chemickú a hutnú výrobu do slovenskej podnikovej sféry (zmena majetkových pomerov slovenských podnikov Spolku pre chemickú a hutnú výrobu)

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela
v Banskej Bystrici

Expansion of the Association for Chemical and Metallurgical Production into the Slovak business sphere (change of property relations of Slovak companies of the Association for Chemical and Metallurgical Production)

Abstract: The activities of the Association for Chemical and Metallurgical Pro-duction began to penetrate Slovakia in the 1920s and intensified from the sec-ond half of the 1930s. ACHaMP acquired companies in Slovakia in various ways, either through direct capital inflows or through mergers with other companies. The result was a large group of companies dealing with various industries. The conglomerate of companies was stratified from large Slovak pulp mills employ-ing more than a thousand employees to smaller companies with specialized production with several dozen employees. ACHaMP thus gained a significant influence on the production process in the wood and chemical industry in Slo-vakia in the years 1939–1945. However, it had to coordinate its economic and trade policy with the strong influence of German interests in Slovakia, which intensified significantly after the Slovak state.

Keywords: chemical industry, pulp and paper mills, Association for Chemical and Metallurgical Production, German capital, Slovak republic (1939–1945).


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – OLEJNÍK, M.: Podiel Bohumíra Šmerala na formovaní Komunistickej strany Československa v prvej dekáde medzivojnovej Československej republiky

Podiel Bohumíra Šmerala na formovaní Komunistickej strany Československa v prvej dekáde medzivojnovej Československej republiky

Spoločenskovedný ústav v Košiciach, Centrum spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV v Bratislave

A role of Bohumír Šmeral in formation of Communist Party of Czecho-slovakia in first decade of inter-war Czechoslovak Republic

Abstract: Bohumír Šmeral was one of the most important founders of radical left during the first years of Czechoslovak Republic, even though his political philosophy was never based on total adherence to rigid requirements formu-lated by the Communist International (CI). As a consequence, he became a target of frequently recurring criticism voiced by leadership of CI as well as leftist segments in Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPC). For his moderate approach in implementation of communist ideology to CPC, he was accused of centrist policy named pejoratively “šmeralism”. After death of V. I. Lenin, who tolerated to certain extent Šmeral´s independent policy, CI adopted more radi-cal political path – “bolshevization”, which was imposition of uncompromising request to rebuild CPC along Russian communist party lines. This led to elimi-nation of Šmeral´s political influence in CPC. Šmeral was used by CI to perform external tasks in communist movement. His travels to European countries, even to far-away Mongolia, distanced Šmeral from internal affairs of CPS. He was following instructions given to him by Communist International and during sparse visits to Czechoslovakia was active as a propagator of Soviet Russia, its literature, social order and ideology.

Keywords: Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Bohumír Šmeral, Comintern, Left.


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – KOMJÁTI, Z. I.: The County and State Taxing of the Koháry Demesnes in Hont County in the 1710’s and 1720’s

The County and State Taxing of the Koháry Demesnes in Hont County in the 1710’s and 1720’s

Private researcher, Abasár, Hungary

Abstract: The campaigns against the Ottoman Empire and the War of Independ-ence named after Francis Rákóczi lasting almost 30 years thoroughly ruined the economy of the Hungarian Kingdom by the beginning of the 1710’s. The Sover-eign (Charles the Third) and the governmental organizations tried to issue de-crees for the constant development, but they almost all the time left out of consid-eration the difficult cost-of-living condition of the county inhabitants. The taxes imposed after “porta number” on the counties (gratuitous labour, winter quar-ters, billeting and conveyance for the transient army and doing wagon-traffic in the time of the Campaign of Báčka) were exactly supposed to fulfill by the county, so the Magistrate distributed to each settlements. The Koháry Family had two demesnes in the territory of Hont County: Čabraď and Sitno, and the state and the county taxation applied to them in the same way as the other settlements. But Stephen (István) Koháry (directing Hont County as Lord-Lieutenant since 1711) always got an opportunity for acquiring the exemption of the demesnes from the gratuitous labour. Primarily, he had applied to Sovereign Charles the Third for issuing a diploma of exemption, then he introduced it with both the Hungarian Royal Locum-tenens Council and Hont County Magistrate. Thus, the two de-mesnes of Koháry were always exempted from the gratuitous labour, imposed and varied several times annually, and fulfilled either at Buda or Esztergom For-tresses. Last but not least, it can be observed that tendency that the existence of a diploma of exemption might not guarantee the automatic acceptance, in fact, it would be yearly applied for it, would be make it accepted on each occasion, and the acceptance of the exemption was the permanent item on the agenda of a county delegate negotiating with the higher authorities. The paper offers a deeper view into the the practice of the county taxation, and it sized up the economic life of Hont County in the first third of the 18th century.

Keywords: payment of taxes, Hont County, Hungarian Kingdom, economic histo-ry, 18th century.


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Tomus 23, num. 2 – JANURA, T. – ŠIMKOVIC, M. – FOTTOVÁ, E.: Hrad Divín vo svetle nových výskumov

Hrad Divín vo svetle nových výskumov

Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied v Bratislave,
Mgr. Michal Šimkovic s.r.o., Zvolen,
Archeologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied v Nitre

Divín Castle in the light of new research

Abstract: The lords of Lučenec probably founded the castle sometime at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. It belonged to their descendants until the end of the 15th century, when the Ongor family became the new owners. After 1512, the Balassa family became the new owners. Throughout the middle ages, Divín remained a small aristocratic castle called mantle type with simple fortification. Its significant expansion and improvement of the fortifications was associated only with Sigismund and John Balassa, when due to the Ottoman danger, the population of the Novohrad region had to participate in the modernization of Divín, according to the adopted laws. Despite this effort, the castle fell into the hands of the Ottomans in the years 1575–1593 and became the northernmost occupied castle in Hungary. After the conquest of the castle by Habsburg troops, Divín returned to the hands of the Balassa family, who in the 17th century took care of the expansion of the living space and planned further improvements of the fortifications.

Keywords: Divín castle, lords of Lučenec, Dezsőfi family, Balassa family, Ottomans.


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Tomus 23, num. 1 – KÓNYA, P. – KÓNYOVÁ, A.: Caraffa 330. Štúdie k dejinám Prešovského krvavého súdu = Tanulmányok az Eperjesi vértörvényszék történetéhez. Prešov : Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity, 2018. (V. Žeňuch)

KÓNYA, P. – KÓNYOVÁ, A.: Caraffa 330. Štúdie k dejinám Prešovského krvavého súdu = Tanulmányok az Eperjesi vértörvényszék történetéhez. Prešov : Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity, 2018. (V. Žeňuch)


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Tomus 23, num. 1 – «Социалистический город»: идея и реальность. Рецензия на книгу МЕЕРОВИЧ, М. Г. – МЕНЬКОВСКИЙ, В. И. – ЖЕРЕБЦОВ, И. Л.: «Социалистический город»: идея и ее воплощение в Советском Союзе в 1920-е и 1930-е годы. Banská Bystrica : Belianum, 2019. (Е. В. Конышева)

«Социалистический город»: идея и реальность. Рецензия на книгу МЕЕРОВИЧ, М. Г. – МЕНЬКОВСКИЙ, В. И. – ЖЕРЕБЦОВ, И. Л.: «Социалистический город»: идея и ее воплощение в Советском Союзе в 1920-е и 1930-е годы. Banská Bystrica : Belianum, 2019. (Е. В. Конышева)


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Tomus 23, num. 1 – Doc. PhDr. Marián Skladaný, CSc. (7. máj 1940, Vranov nad Topľou – 23. január 2020, Bratislava) (O. Tomeček)

Doc. PhDr. Marián Skladaný, CSc.
(7. máj 1940, Vranov nad Topľou – 23. január 2020, Bratislava) (O. Tomeček)


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Tomus 23, num. 1 – Prof. PhDr. Stanislav Matejkin, CSc. (18. september 1943, Litava – 26. august 2019, Banská Bystrica) (K. Fremal)

Prof. PhDr. Stanislav Matejkin, CSc.
(18. september 1943, Litava – 26. august 2019, Banská Bystrica) (K. Fremal)


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