Tomus 24, num. 1 – ANTONIUK, J. – IĽNYCʼKYJ, V.: Súdna a disciplinárna prax v Ukrajinskej povstaleckej armáde (1943 – 1947)

Súdna a disciplinárna prax v Ukrajinskej povstaleckej armáde (1943 – 1947)

Rezortný štátny archív Bezpečnostnej služby Ukrajiny – Drohobyčská štátna pedagogická univerzita Ivana Franka / Národná akadémia pozemných vojsk hajtmana Petra Sahajdačného, Ukrajina

Judicial and disciplinary practice in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (1943 – 1947)

Abstract: The article analyzes the functioning principles of judicial and disciplinary practice in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). It was discovered that the practice started in the summer of 1943 in Volyn and Western Polissya. At the end of that same year, the insurgent judicial system spread to Galicia as well as the neighboring territories of eastern Poland. It was proven that the main judicial and disciplinary bodies in the UPA units were the «Field Courts». At the commander’s initiative, they convened for every sotnia. The verdicts were passed on the basis of the «Disciplinary Statute», which was used in conditions of the special period of armed liberation struggle. The crimes in it were divided into minor and serious. The accused were executed for the latter ones. The verdict was approved by the commander of the relevant insurgent unit. The minor offenses were mostly dealt with by the «Cossack courts». They were convened by the commanders of the insurgent units in the case of: drunkenness, non-compliance with the order without serious consequences, minor thefts. The sentences were: sending to «punitive divisions», «punitive arrest», «beating with sticks» in front of the rank, «rack under a gun» or «falling on the ground» on command. In the event the crime was repetitive, the punishment was intensified.

Keywords: Ukrainian Insurgent Army, judicial and disciplinary practice, verdict, crimes, punishments, «Field court», «Cossack courts».


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