Tomus 23, num. 1 – ЛЮБЫЙ, А.: Великое Княжество Литовское в белорусской историографии ХХ в.

Великое Княжество Литовское в белорусской
историографии ХХ в.

Кафедра истории Беларуси древнего времени и средних веков,
Исторический факультет, Белорусский государственный
университет, Минск, Беларусь

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Belarusian historiography of the twentieth century

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of the formation and development of the Belarusian historiography of the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Special attention is paid to forming of scientific schools for the study of history of the 13th – 18th centuries in Belarusian territory, a formation of a national historical narrative in textbooks and encyclopaedias, as well as a role of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the development of the Belarusian state and the Belarusian nation in the Middle Ages and early Modern times. The author offers a periodization of the studying history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Belarusian historiography. He estimates the current research level regarding the Grand Duchy of Lithuania‘ history in the different Belarusian scientific centers.

Keywords: Historiography of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, History of Belarus, National historical narrative, Belarusian State University, scientific historical schools in Belarus.


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