Tomus 23, num. 1 – MOLNÁROVÁ, P.: Mocenské prejavy KSČ v reflexii vlastných mien v straníckej tlači

Mocenské prejavy KSČ v reflexii vlastných mien v straníckej tlači

Katedra slovenského jazyka a komunikácie, Filozofická fakulta,
Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Power manifestation of Communist party of Czechoslovakia in reflexion of proper nouns in political press

Abstract: A research of proper nouns in language focuses on analysis of their persuasive function in journalism. The results are part of the dissertation project on the manifestations of political ideology of 1960´s socialism in language. The aim of the study is to point out, through names of institutions, political documents and anthroponyms, the way of enforcing a power of the Communist Party in society. Analyses based on political party press material reflect not only the built of party authorities, but especially the interconnection between history, language and the media. In the study there is a consideration between historical context of the era and its linguistic representation in the chosen sphere of language. As a result of the research of the power components in order to bring their ideological and authoritarian character closer, the text contributes to the critical analysis of political and ideological discourse of the 1960s in Slovakia.

Keywords: 1960s, Communist Party, journalism, persuasion, proper noun.


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