Tomus 23, num. 2 – MIČKO, P.: Expanzia Spolku pre chemickú a hutnú výrobu do slovenskej podnikovej sféry (zmena majetkových pomerov slovenských podnikov Spolku pre chemickú a hutnú výrobu)

Expanzia Spolku pre chemickú a hutnú výrobu do slovenskej podnikovej sféry (zmena majetkových pomerov slovenských podnikov Spolku pre chemickú a hutnú výrobu)

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela
v Banskej Bystrici

Expansion of the Association for Chemical and Metallurgical Production into the Slovak business sphere (change of property relations of Slovak companies of the Association for Chemical and Metallurgical Production)

Abstract: The activities of the Association for Chemical and Metallurgical Pro-duction began to penetrate Slovakia in the 1920s and intensified from the sec-ond half of the 1930s. ACHaMP acquired companies in Slovakia in various ways, either through direct capital inflows or through mergers with other companies. The result was a large group of companies dealing with various industries. The conglomerate of companies was stratified from large Slovak pulp mills employ-ing more than a thousand employees to smaller companies with specialized production with several dozen employees. ACHaMP thus gained a significant influence on the production process in the wood and chemical industry in Slo-vakia in the years 1939–1945. However, it had to coordinate its economic and trade policy with the strong influence of German interests in Slovakia, which intensified significantly after the Slovak state.

Keywords: chemical industry, pulp and paper mills, Association for Chemical and Metallurgical Production, German capital, Slovak republic (1939–1945).


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