Tomus 24, num. 2 – GABČO, M.: Okresné a krajské pedagogické zbory – nástroj realizácie a koordinácie vedeckého výskumu v pedagogickej praxi

Okresné a krajské pedagogické zbory – nástroj realizácie a koordinácie vedeckého výskumu v pedagogickej praxi

CVTI – Múzeum školstva a pedagogiky, Bratislava

District and regional pedagogical groups – an instrument for implementation and coordination of scientific research in pedagogical practice

Abstract: In submitted contribution there are analysed the ways of organizing and functioning of district and regional pedagogical groups in the period between years 1947 – 1950. The intention of that groups was the centralisation of pedagogical research; performed not only by experts, but mainly by teachers from various schools, too. These organisations had been functioned as part of the newborn State Pedagogical Institute in Bratislava. Teachers from praxis, by their daily connection with teaching practice, were able to search and study existing pedagogical problems. Professionals from State Pedagogical Institute received materials – results from local researches – and evaluated and prepared them to final form for publishing. Duty of the groups was to inform the center in Bratislava about all implemented activities. Their activities also included professional lectures on pedagogy – by this way was the partial development of pedagogical theory garanted. On the other side, all the activities of district and regional pedagogical groups were strongly deformed by ideological pressure.

Keywords: State pedagogical institute, district and regional pedagogical groups, pedagogical research, teachers, education problems.


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