Tomus 26, num. 1 – DANKOVÁ, S.: Metodologické východiská výskumu šľachtickej korešpondencie v ranom novoveku (na príklade listov Judity Balassovej)

Metodologické východiská výskumu šľachtickej korešpondencie v ranom novoveku (na príklade listov Judity Balassovej)

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Methodological basis for the research of early modern aristocratic correspondence (on the example of Judit Balassa)

Abstract: Letters have always played an important role as means of communication. As a historical source, they convey information about various aspects of life of their period, including both public and private. In this paper, I analyse the methodological principles and possibilities of conducting historical research of early modern aristocratic correspondence. The first part of the study deals with the theoretical questions related to historical letters. The second part verifies the methodological approaches providing examples based on the research of correspondence of the family Koháry from the 17th century, while pointing out the possibilities and limits of interpretation. The aim of the study is not to present the results of complex research, but it rather serves as an analysis of characteristics and distinctiveness of historical letters, and demonstrates some of the methods of scientific approach towards historical correspondence.

Keywords: correspondence, early modern period, aristocracy, egodocuments, communication.


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