Tomus 26, num. 1 – WINDER, S.: Danubia. Osobitý pohled autora na středoevropské dějiny / Dějiny habsburské Evropy pohledem autora. Brno :, 2022. (J. Jakubej)

WINDER, S.: Danubia. Osobitý pohled autora na středoevropské dějiny / Dějiny habsburské Evropy pohledem autora. Brno :, 2022. (J. Jakubej)


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Tomus 26, num. 1 – SMIDA, M.: Možnosti automatickej transkripcie v platforme Transkribus na príklade správ o vybavovaní sťažností občanov v období ko-munistickej diktatúry

Možnosti automatickej transkripcie v platforme Transkribus na príklade správ o vybavovaní sťažností občanov v období komunistickej diktatúry

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Possibilities of automatic transcription in the Transkribus platform using the example of reports on the handling of citizen complaints during the communist dictatorship

Abstract: This thesis discusses the basic options of work in an application Transkribus, about its benefits, pitfalls and innovations that we presented in the selected sample of archival documents with the topic of citizen complaints during the governance of the Communist party in Czechoslovakia in the 1948-1989. Gradually we have documented the process of working with historical sources in Transkribus, preparation, transcription and the results. Because we focused on typewritten documents only, we compared the results with other ways and options of transcription, we evaluated their usability, which leads to interesting conclusions and results. The thesis is also supported by statistical indicators and pictorial schedules on the basis of which we have did specific conclusions. In the thesis we also present the issue of citizen complaints as a topic of historical research.

Keywords: Transkribus, automatic transcription, digital humanities, citizen complaints, typewritten documents.


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Tomus 26, num. 1 – TÓTH, P.: The Roma sorceress in 18th century Hungarian sources

The Roma sorceress in 18th century Hungarian sources

Institute of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary

Abstract: 18th century sources confirm the observations of cultural anthropology that Roma women played an important role in the sustenance of their families. In a gatherer lifestyle, their primary task was to get food. However, the social environment strongly restricted gathering therefore they had to apply different techniques. From among these, the most important one was the activity relying on beliefs which formed the image of the ’Roma witch’ for the surrounding society. It is important to note, however, that these beliefs were always those of the surrounding society and not those of the Romas themselves as otherwise, they would not have worked (similarly to the way Roma musicians played the music of the surrounding society and not that of their own community). In accordance with this, witchcraft (fortune-telling, binding or loosing love ties, the ability to see treasures, etc.) was also a service provided almost exclusively by women. And as the surrounding society (or at least, a part of it) had a demand for this service, it also became possible for its providers to get into areas closed for them, where they could continue the ’gathering’ following from their lifestyle.

Keywords: Roma women, beliefs, witchcraft, gatherer lifestyle.


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Tomus 26, num. 1 – DANKOVÁ, S.: Metodologické východiská výskumu šľachtickej korešpondencie v ranom novoveku (na príklade listov Judity Balassovej)

Metodologické východiská výskumu šľachtickej korešpondencie v ranom novoveku (na príklade listov Judity Balassovej)

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Methodological basis for the research of early modern aristocratic correspondence (on the example of Judit Balassa)

Abstract: Letters have always played an important role as means of communication. As a historical source, they convey information about various aspects of life of their period, including both public and private. In this paper, I analyse the methodological principles and possibilities of conducting historical research of early modern aristocratic correspondence. The first part of the study deals with the theoretical questions related to historical letters. The second part verifies the methodological approaches providing examples based on the research of correspondence of the family Koháry from the 17th century, while pointing out the possibilities and limits of interpretation. The aim of the study is not to present the results of complex research, but it rather serves as an analysis of characteristics and distinctiveness of historical letters, and demonstrates some of the methods of scientific approach towards historical correspondence.

Keywords: correspondence, early modern period, aristocracy, egodocuments, communication.


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Tomus 26, num. 1 – MOLNÁROVÁ, P.: Černobyľská havária: environmentálna komunikácia v socialistickej tlači

Černobyľská havária: environmentálna komunikácia v socialistickej tlači

Katedra slovenského jazyka a komunikácie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

The Chernobyl accident: environmental communication in the socialist press

Abstract: The study deals with the reflection of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion (1986) in the ideologically determined environment of the socialist daily press. The issue is interpreted in relation to environmental communication about a historical event with a direct impact on the environment. The interdisciplinary theoretical background links environmental communication, environmental history, political-ideological and media discourse of the socialist era in the time of emerging glasnost and perestroika. The aim of the research is to present the media portrayal of an environmental event in its historical, political, and ideological context and to outline the primary communication techniques used to convey it. The research interpretations are based on a content and critical analysis of 35 texts published in the Slovak national (Pravda) and regional periodicals (Smer) within one month after the Chernobyl accident. The research sample includes reports, interviews, articles, commentaries, and statements by the highest officials of the Soviet Union. In the contemporary context, environmental issues are subordinated to the political-ideological media discourse in terms of both the formal positioning in the analysed medium and the content focus of the text. The research results reflect the characteristic manifestations of the language of the socialist period (manipulative communicative techniques, emotionally determined argumentation, information selection, schematization, stereotyping, argument from authority, etc.) applied to the conditions of environmental communication.

Keywords: environmental communication, Chernobyl, language of socialism, party press, propaganda, socialist ideology.


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Tomus 26, num. 1 – MIČKO, P. – FREMAL, K. – MIČKOVÁ, Z.: Aktivity podnikového a finančného sektora v Banskej Bystrici počas druhej svetovej vojny

Aktivity podnikového a finančného sektora v Banskej Bystrici počas druhej svetovej vojny1

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
Katedra dejín štátu a práva, Právnická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Activities of the corporate and financial sector in Banská Bystrica during
the Second World War

Abstract: The economic activities of the town of Banská Bystrica during the existence of the Slovak state were diverse. They developed in the field of industry, trades and crafts, for which the activity of financial institutions was also important. An important industrial sector was the wood and paper industry. During the Second World War, several timber companies were active in the town, focusing on various areas of wood processing. The enterprises operated under both domestic and foreign ownership, with links persisting mainly with Czech capital, which had acquired its positions here during the existence of the Czechoslovak Republic. Plants of a larger or smaller production character played an important role and provided employment and social security for the inhabitants of the town during the period under review.

Keywords: wood and paper industry, textile factories, financial sector, Slovak republic (1939 – 1945).

1 Štúdia bola vypracovaná v rámci riešenia projektu VEGA č. 1/0184/20: Hospodárske vzťahy Slovenskej republiky 1939 – 1945 a Protektorátu Čechy a Morava na Katedre histórie Filozofickej fakulty UMB v Banskej Bystrici a Historickom ústave SAV v Bratislave. Vedúci projektu prof. PhDr. Peter Mičko, PhD. Táto práca bola podporená Agentúrou na podporu výskumu a vývoja na základe Zmluvy č. APVV-19-0358.


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History of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy in Periodicals of 1918–19451

Department of Modern History of Ukraine and Foreign Countries, Faculty of History and International Relations, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine

Abstract: In the proposed article, an attempt is made to critically study the history of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy (MGCE) on the basis of the press. First of all, attention is focused on the regional press. In general, both church and secular publications were used. The period was not chosen by chance, because it is the period of the interwar and wartime periods of the Czechoslovak Republic. The main task of the research is to study not only the subject matter of the publications, but also the views that were covered in each periodical. The fact is that depending on the edition and the publisher, the content of the publications was appropriate. If religious topics and protection of the Church prevailed in church periodicals, then in government or independent periodicals, in addition to general news, there were also critical articles about the Church. Particular attention is paid to historical topics in these periodicals on the history of the Mukachevo Eparchy. In general, information in journals and the press can significantly supplement historical knowledge not only of the history of the Church, but also of the history of state-church relations and the history of Czechoslovakia of the studied period.

Keywords: Church, the Czechoslovak Republic, Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy, periodicals, state-church relations.

1 Štúdia je výstupom z grantovej úlohy VEGA č. 1/0426/20 „Slovenské dolnozemské komunity v reflexii materskej krajiny počas medzivojnovej Československej republiky“.

Tomus 26, num. 1 – KICHERA, V.: History of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy in Periodicals of 1918–1945

History of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy in Periodicals of 1918–19451

Department of Modern History of Ukraine and Foreign Countries, Faculty of History and International Relations, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine

Abstract: In the proposed article, an attempt is made to critically study the history of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy (MGCE) on the basis of the press. First of all, attention is focused on the regional press. In general, both church and secular publications were used. The period was not chosen by chance, because it is the period of the interwar and wartime periods of the Czechoslovak Republic. The main task of the research is to study not only the subject matter of the publications, but also the views that were covered in each periodical. The fact is that depending on the edition and the publisher, the content of the publications was appropriate. If religious topics and protection of the Church prevailed in church periodicals, then in government or independent periodicals, in addition to general news, there were also critical articles about the Church. Particular attention is paid to historical topics in these periodicals on the history of the Mukachevo Eparchy. In general, information in journals and the press can significantly supplement historical knowledge not only of the history of the Church, but also of the history of state-church relations and the history of Czechoslovakia of the studied period.

Keywords: Church, the Czechoslovak Republic, Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy, periodicals, state-church relations.

1 Štúdia je výstupom z grantovej úlohy VEGA č. 1/0426/20 „Slovenské dolnozemské komunity v reflexii materskej krajiny počas medzivojnovej Československej republiky“.


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Interetnické vzťahy v prostredí Rusínov a Slovákov (na Slovensku a na Dolnej zemi) v 19. storočí1

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Inter ethnic relations in the environment of Rusyns and Slovaks (in Slovakia and the Lowland) in the 19th century

Abstract: Rusyns and Slovaks, members of two culturally close ethnic groups, had lived for centuries in one state unit and in immediate neighbour contact. Complex socio-economic situation of the Rusyn settlement area in Slovakia had conditioned the poor development of both cultural and national needs. Rusyn intelligentsia from Greek-Catholic church circles had tended towards Hungarian culture or a broader Slavic consciousness. From the beginning of the 19th century and during the spread of pan-Slavism with the development of national movements and the formation of modern nations, Rusyns became the object of interest in Slovak intellectual circles. The Rusyn elite, inspired by Slavic and non-Slavic national movements, revived nationally in the revolutionary period of the 1840s. It was also the merit of Slovaks who supported the national awakening of Rusyns as their closest allies in the Kingdom of Hungary during the peak period of the Slovak national revival movement (1836–1848). The mutuality of Rusyn-Slovak political cooperation had been manifested in the revolutionary years of 1948–1949 in the Habsburg Monarchy. Even though the revolution in the Kingdom of Hungary had failed, it had brought some significant changes in the sphere of social development, civil principles and the weakening of the influence of the state and the church. These new conditions had enabled the emergence and development of Rusyn national revival movement and the so-calledrevivalistic generation of Rusyns. Mutual contacts between the two national movements, especially in the post-revolutionary period, had symbolized social, political and literary activities of several nationalities. Even in the second half of the 19th century, Slovak elites had a positive influence on the development of the Rusyn national movement. Slovak environment had an inspiring effect on Rusyns. Of course, this relationship had not only worked from the side of Slovaks to Rusyns, but also in the opposite direction (in a lesser extent), i.e. from Rusyns to Slovaks. Finally, during the period of dualism (1867–1918), the reflection of Rusyn issue in Slovak literature was not as intense as before the revolution, which was related to strong national oppression of minorities by the Hungarian governments. The national movements of Rusyns and Slovaks had to cope with a very complicated political and social reality, so there was much less scope for wider cooperation and mutual reflection than before. Complex socio-economic situation of northern and northeastern Kingdom of Hungary at the end of the 19th century together with the rapidly increasing Slovak and Rusyn emigration had a significant influence on this.

Keywords: Rusyns and Slovaks in the 19th century, ethno-identification and nation-forming processes, Rusyn national movement, Slovak and Rusyn national revival movement, Štúr generation, Rusyn revivalistic generation, the revolution in Hungary (1848–1849).

1 Štúdia je výstupom z grantovej úlohy VEGA č. 1/0426/20 „Slovenské dolnozemské komunity v reflexii materskej krajiny počas medzivojnovej Československej republiky“.

Tomus 26, num. 1 – ŠMIGEĽ, M. – KMEŤ, M.: Interetnické vzťahy v prostredí Rusínov a Slovákov (na Slovensku a na Dolnej zemi) v 19. storočí

Interetnické vzťahy v prostredí Rusínov a Slovákov (na Slovensku a na Dolnej zemi) v 19. storočí1

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Inter ethnic relations in the environment of Rusyns and Slovaks (in Slovakia and the Lowland) in the 19th century

Abstract: Rusyns and Slovaks, members of two culturally close ethnic groups, had lived for centuries in one state unit and in immediate neighbour contact. Complex socio-economic situation of the Rusyn settlement area in Slovakia had conditioned the poor development of both cultural and national needs. Rusyn intelligentsia from Greek-Catholic church circles had tended towards Hungarian culture or a broader Slavic consciousness. From the beginning of the 19th century and during the spread of pan-Slavism with the development of national movements and the formation of modern nations, Rusyns became the object of interest in Slovak intellectual circles. The Rusyn elite, inspired by Slavic and nonSlavic national movements, revived nationally in the revolutionary period of the 1840s. It was also the merit of Slovaks who supported the national awakening of Rusyns as their closest allies in the Kingdom of Hungary during the peak period of the Slovak national revival movement (1836–1848). The mutuality of RusynSlovak political cooperation had been manifested in the revolutionary years of 1948–1949 in the Habsburg Monarchy. Even though the revolution in the Kingdom of Hungary had failed, it had brought some significant changes in the sphere of social development, civil principles and the weakening of the influence of the state and the church. These new conditions had enabled the emergence and development of Rusyn national revival movement and the so-calledrevivalistic generation of Rusyns. Mutual contacts between the two national movements, especially in the post-revolutionary period, had symbolized social, political and literary activities of several nationalities. Even in the second half of the 19th century, Slovak elites had a positive influence on the development of the Rusyn national movement. Slovak environment had an inspiring effect on Rusyns. Of course, this relationship had not only worked from the side of Slovaks to Rusyns, but also in the opposite direction (in a lesser extent), i.e. from Rusyns to Slovaks. Finally, during the period of dualism (1867–1918), the reflection of Rusyn issue in Slovak literature was not as intense as before the revolution, which was related to strong national oppression of minorities by the Hungarian governments. The national movements of Rusyns and Slovaks had to cope with a very complicated political and social reality, so there was much less scope for wider cooperation and mutual reflection than before. Complex socio-economic situation of northern and northeastern Kingdom of Hungary at the end of the 19th century together with the rapidly increasing Slovak and Rusyn emigration had a significant influence on this.

Keywords: Rusyns and Slovaks in the 19th century, ethno-identification and nation-forming processes, Rusyn national movement, Slovak and Rusyn national revival movement, Štúr generation, Rusyn revivalistic generation, the revolution in Hungary (1848–1849).

1 Štúdia je výstupom z grantovej úlohy VEGA č. 1/0426/20 „Slovenské dolnozemské komunity v reflexii materskej krajiny počas medzivojnovej Československej republiky“.


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