Tomus 24, num. 2 – BAGI, D.: Nové možnosti prístupu k výskumu dejín vojvodstva v 11. storočí

Nové možnosti prístupu k výskumu dejín vojvodstva v 11. storočí

Katedra dejín východnej a strednej Európy,
Inštitút histórie, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Loránda Eötvösa,

New possibilities of approach to research the history of the duchy in the 11th century

Abstract: The study presents previous research on the history of the duchy in Hungarian, Czechoslovak (Czech) and Polish historiography as well. It also represents a new research concept. The Arpads‘ system of power division in the 11th century cannot be considered either as a model of state development or as a mere exercise of dynastic inheritance or family law. Instead of research on the state development, it is more appropriate to proceed from the then understanding of law and the organization of society, contained primarily in narrative sources and then situate the history of the duchy into it. The basis of this order had been represented by the system of relations between free people, based on a friendship confirmed by an oath. We can assume that these interpersonal relations had also determined the competence of the duchy and dukes. When comparing the Arpad dynasty duchy with similar constitutions of the Piast and Přemyslid dynasties, we can state that the territorial power division does not necessarily correspond to the authority/competent one. We still do not know the exact territorial extent of the duchy in the Kingdom of Hungary. However, we can say with certainty that its centers, unlike the Piast ones, had only slightly affected the main royal residences. While good relations had been lasting in the ruling dynasty, the dukes had important competencies. These competencies meant a share in the royal power, so the agreement had primarily represented the division of competencies. This might explain why kings and dukes regularly appear together in the main positions of the country, together representing the ruling power. The model of the power division between the Arpads in the 11th century was thus primarily family-based. It was based on consensus among family members. According to this consensus, the power division affecting the whole country had been in the ratio 2 : 1. The sources do not mention exactly what the members of the ruling family had divided among themselves. We can suppose that the reason was because it was not necessary, since the Hungarian chronicler understood the term divisio regni in the meaning of the disputes over the throne, as well as the power division.

Keywords: royal duchy, the Árpád dynasty, the Kingdom of Hungary, power division.


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Tomus 24, num. 2 – OLEJNÍK, M.: Propaganda in political strategy of the Czechoslovakian Communist Party during the first decade of the interwar Czechoslovak Republic

Propaganda in political strategy of the Czechoslovakian Communist Party during the first decade of the interwar Czechoslovak Republic

Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences SAS
Institute of Social Sciences, Košice

Abstract: Vital interest of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPC) in struggle to achieve political power was to make its program attractive to a broad masses of Czechoslovak population. The Marx-Leninism, which became an ideological base of CPC, presented itself as the only relevant ideology capable of establishing a “socially just” society. Revolution as a road of the Communist regime to impose its rule was presented as unavoidable, because it was in harmony with laws of social progress formulated by Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx and Vladimir I. Lenin. The essential role in spreading ideology of the Marx–Leninism, according to leadership of CPC had propaganda. Despite strictly formulated principles of the Marx-Leninist ideology, communist propaganda during the existence of Czechoslovak Republic morphed in dependence on changing political development. Vicissitudes of form and content of communist propaganda in monitored period are traced in submitted paper. An emphasis is given to, till now, unpublished archival documents, deposited in Slovak and Czech archives. Invaluable source offering insight to concrete workings of communist propaganda is a contemporary press, primarily periodicals Pravda Chudoby and Pravda, which represented ideological views of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. A relevant source of information are social democratic Robotnícke noviny, which monitored closely development of its main rival CPC. A literature dealing with various aspects with history of Czechoslovak Communist Party was used where it was suitable to complement events by a more general description.

Keywords: Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, interwar period, propaganda, journalism.


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Tomus 24, num. 2 – ДАНИЛЕЦ, Ю.: Поездка епископа Досифея (Васича) на Подкарпатскую Русь в июне 1924 г.

Поездка епископа Досифея (Васича) на Подкарпатскую Русь
в июне 1924 г.

Ужгородский национальный университет, Украина

Visit of Bishop Dositheus (Vasić) to Subcarpathian Rus‘ in June 1924

Abstract: Bishop Dositheus (Vasić) activities in Subcarpathian Rus‘ in June 1924 aimed to establish the Serbian Orthodox Church’s position and gain recognition from the Czechoslovak government. Prague was quite critical of the arrival of the Serbian delegate, and his movement was under constant control. Antennas recorded all statements of the bishop to the faithful. Gendarmes and the police tracked the routes of the bishop’s trips. During the visit, Bishop Dositheus held several meetings with Subcarpathian Rus‘ leadership, including the governor and vice-governor. Officials at least formally supported the bishop’s position, but in fact, had to follow government instructions. While in the autonomous region, the bishop visited some Orthodox villages, conducted services, and meetings with the clergy and the faithful. He called on the peasants to be loyal to the government, resort to violence against opponents, and act exclusively within the law. The results of the visit in June 1924 were contradictory. The bishop has achieved both positive and negative consequences.

Keywords: Orthodox Church, Subcarpathian Rus‘, Bishop Dositheus, Czechoslovak government.


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Tomus 24, num. 2 – BAGI, Z. P.: A muster-list from town Krupina from year 1559

A muster-list from town Krupina from year 1559

Municipal Archive of Győr, Hungary

Abstract: After the first muster and thus the initial payment, wages of the recruited were handed out rather erratically, and each time they were mustered again by appointed muster officials. Konrad Wallen von Aurach’s report on Francis Bornemissza’s accusations concerning the Krupina payment issues provide a good picture on both the musters and the payment process, also on the possible or actual methods of mistreatment and fraud. Documents of this type are, unfortunately, quite rare, but through them we can improve our view on 16th century military organization and the everyday life of the recruited.

Keywords: muster register, organization of army, military ranks, Ottoman-Hungarian conflict, Krupina, Konrad Wallen von Aurach, Francis Bornemissza, John Krusich.


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Tomus 24, num. 2 – TOMEČEK, O.: Metales Banskej Bystrice z roku 1820. Reambulácia juhozápadného úseku mestských hraníc spoločných so susedným teritóriom rodiny Radvanských

Metales Banskej Bystrice z roku 1820.
Reambulácia juhozápadného úseku mestských hraníc spoločných so susedným teritóriom rodiny Radvanských

Katedra histórie, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Mateja Bela
v Banskej Bystrici

Metales of the town Banská Bystrica from 1820. Perambulation of the southwest part of town borderline common with neighbouring domain of Radvanský family

Abstract: The paper deals with the analysis of a historical document which describes in detail the course of the perambulation of the borders of the town Banská Bystrica in 1820. The document named Metales consists of a text part and a map part. The text part is divided into seven chapters describing specific border sections. Through a detailed analysis of one of the border sections, the south-west part of town borderline common with neighbouring domain of Radvanský family we learn not only about the exact course of the borderline, but also about the location and owners of land near the borderline, participants of the perambulation and historical toponymy, as well as the form and location of border markers. The document captures the course of control of old border markers – border piles (heaped soil or stones), border stones and border signs, as well as the making of new border markers.

Keywords: town Banská Bystrica, Radvanský family, domain, perambulation, borderline, border marker.


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Tomus 24, num. 2 – GABČO, M.: Okresné a krajské pedagogické zbory – nástroj realizácie a koordinácie vedeckého výskumu v pedagogickej praxi

Okresné a krajské pedagogické zbory – nástroj realizácie a koordinácie vedeckého výskumu v pedagogickej praxi

CVTI – Múzeum školstva a pedagogiky, Bratislava

District and regional pedagogical groups – an instrument for implementation and coordination of scientific research in pedagogical practice

Abstract: In submitted contribution there are analysed the ways of organizing and functioning of district and regional pedagogical groups in the period between years 1947 – 1950. The intention of that groups was the centralisation of pedagogical research; performed not only by experts, but mainly by teachers from various schools, too. These organisations had been functioned as part of the newborn State Pedagogical Institute in Bratislava. Teachers from praxis, by their daily connection with teaching practice, were able to search and study existing pedagogical problems. Professionals from State Pedagogical Institute received materials – results from local researches – and evaluated and prepared them to final form for publishing. Duty of the groups was to inform the center in Bratislava about all implemented activities. Their activities also included professional lectures on pedagogy – by this way was the partial development of pedagogical theory garanted. On the other side, all the activities of district and regional pedagogical groups were strongly deformed by ideological pressure.

Keywords: State pedagogical institute, district and regional pedagogical groups, pedagogical research, teachers, education problems.


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Tomus 24, num. 2 – BÉREŠ, M.: Tibor Bohdanovský – politická osobnosť z Bohdanoviec

Tibor Bohdanovský – politická osobnosť z Bohdanoviec

Katedra spoločenských vied, Technická univerzita v Košiciach

Tibor Bohdanovský – political figure from Bohdanovce

Abstract: The paper discusses life of Tibor Bohdanovský – probably the most famous native of town of Bohdanovce in Košice – okolie district. On the other hand, among Bohdanovce’s inhabitants, he is almost unknown person. Tibor Bohdanovský (Tibor Schwarz) was born the son of Jewish innkeeper. Later he found himself in anti-Semitic regime and suffered of fascist oppression on territory of the then Hungarian kingdom during the second world war. After being captured by Soviet army, he joined Communist party of Czechoslovakia. In the post-war period he became active member of communist movement which came to power in 1948 and later he participated also in undemocratic policy of the regime, including persecution of kulaks – prosperous peasants. His identity is also very interesting part of the politician’s personality, since probably he denied his roots in order to secure his career. Since Tibor Bohdanovský was important part of totalitarian political environment during communist era in Czechoslovakia, his political career is definitely to be revealed and published.

Keywords: Tibor Bohdanovský, Tibor Schwarz, Communist party of Czechoslovakia, Communist party of Slovakia, collectivization, collective farming, anti-Semitism, kulak.


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Tomus 24, num. 2 – KOLLÁROVÁ, I.: Tajne : nebezpečná myšlienka a netransparentnosť komunikačných sietí v čase nepokoja (1789 – 1799). Bratislava : VEDA, 2020. (P. Kunec)

KOLLÁROVÁ, Ivona: Tajne : nebezpečná myšlienka a netransparentnosť komunikačných sietí v čase nepokoja (1789 – 1799). Bratislava : VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2020. 215 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1822-5


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Tomus 24, num. 2


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Tomus 24, num. 1


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